Thread lift is a minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedure which uses special threads to give a visible and subtle lift . Thread lifting uses a series of microfilaments positioned at specific areas of the face to lift the eye brows, lift sagging skin over the cheeks, reduce nasolabial and marionette lines, define the jawline, reducing the roundness of the face and reduce double chins.
Strategic placement of the filament just underneath the skin gives a youthful appearance and helps stimulate collagen as in normal wound healing and firm the skin. Collagen helps support "growth factors" that greatly influences the condition of our skin. In addition to being used for wound healing, collagen helps to keep our skin strong, voluminous and supple. As we get older, our bodies gradually produce less and less collagen, which leads to an 80% reduction in skin thickness by about age 70. This loss of volume and strength is a large factor in the creation of excess skin and wrinkles. As the skin grows weaker, it's no longer able to support the tissues beneath it adequately, meaning that gravity pulls it downwards and stretches it. Infusing the skin of the face with fresh collagen when the signs of skin laxity are still mild can help to both reduce looseness (by thickening and hydrating the skin) and prevent it from getting worse (by strengthening the skin).
Most commonly used material is PDO threads are made of polydiaxanone and breaks down in about 6-8 months time. They are 100% bio-compatible and bio-absorbable material which has long been used in medical suturing. There are different types of filaments with different configurations depending on the end goal. Generally, these filaments have two mode of action:
1. A lifting action for immediate yet discreet results. This will improve over a period of 2-6 months as new collagen grows, giving further lift and tightening to the skin.
2. A rejuvenating action for gradual and natural results: re-absorption of the filament component helps skin boost its natural collagen, thus further redefining the features being treated.
The effects last between 15-18 months (some people have reported lasting up to 3 years). This of course will vary depending on your age at the time of treatment, the quality of the skin, degree of sagging and the number of threads used.
Depending on how many threads were used and the area treated, there will be swelling (with the worst in 2-3 days time) which settles by the end of the week.
Bruising, stinging or “pulling” pain or discomfort is normal.
Follow up review and photographs will be required 7 days, 1 month and 3 months post treatment. This is important to monitor progress and decide:
(a) Are any additional threads required to improve asymmetry or to enhance the effect? (b) Do we need a maintenance thread treatment programme to ensure long-term results?
Once the thread are in place, your body starts to produce new bundles of collagen around each thread and this in turn creates a subtle yet effective lift.
The results differ for each person, but are very natural giving a rejuvenated and refreshed look. There is no scarring.
Local anesthetic is all that is needed and there is no hospital stay with a quick recovery.
Why thread lift and its limitations.
For many patients, the biggest advantage of having a thread lift rather than a facelift is the greatly reduced recovery time associated with thread lifts. When a patient has facelift surgery, he or she must be heavily sedated; as such, the patient must arrange for someone to drive him or her home from the hospital. Most facelift patients also require around the clock assistance from a caretaker for at least three days after they have surgery. Furthermore, if the patient still has children at home, childcare aid may also be needed. Facelift patients usually need to take one to two weeks off of work, too, in order to heal.
Recovery from a thread lift, on the other hand, is comparatively easy. Thread lifts can be performed under local, rather than general anesthesia, meaning that thread lift patients can drive themselves home and look after themselves immediately after having their procedure. While some patients will experience a little bit of soreness, redness and swelling after having a thread lift and therefore wish to take the rest of the day off, most can return to work immediately. Strong pain medication is seldom needed after having a thread lift, making it easier for patients to return to their normal routine. This procedure is therefore ideal for people who have children at home or those who have busy, demanding careers.
While thread lift recovery is not particularly intensive, patients will still have to take a few minor precautions while healing. It's important to make sure that you don't rub your face vigorously while cleansing it or applying moisturizer for at least a week after having threads placed. You should also try to prop your head up slightly so that you don't roll over directly onto your face while sleeping.
Thread lifts are low risk, thanks to how noninvasive they are. There is virtually no risk of scarring, severe bruising, bleeding or other complications after having a thread lift. In rare cases, patients may experience irritation, infection or their sutures becoming visible under their skin. If this occurs, however, the sutures can simply be removed and the patient's face will return to its prior state.
Finally, because thread lifts are much easier to perform than facelift surgery, they are much more affordable.
Advantageous though thread lifts are, it's important for patients to maintain realistic expectations for this procedure. While thread lifts certainly produce visible changes, they will generally only lift the face by a few millimeters; as such, they create a more subtle and natural looking end result than facelift surgery. Thread lifts are therefore best suited to patients who are dealing with mild to moderate, rather than severe, signs of skin laxity.
The ideal thread lift candidate is usually in his or her late thirties to early fifties, whereas most patients over the age of about 55 will benefit more profoundly from facelift surgery. Thread lifts can, however, provide a facelift alternative for older patients who are unable to have surgery for medical reasons. Because thread lifts can be performed under local anesthesia, many people who have age-related conditions that make them ineligible for surgery (like high blood pressure, type two diabetes and cardiovascular disease) can safely have this treatment. If you have any outstanding health conditions, make sure to talk to your doctor about whether or not a thread lift might be right for you.
It's important to understand that while no lifting technique can produce permanent results, facelift surgery will usually produce longer lasting results than a thread lift. The results of facelift surgery can last up to a decade, whereas a thread lift will generally last from one to three years. However, because the thread lift procedure is so low-risk, patients who like the results of their thread lift can usually opt to have a fresh set of temporary sutures placed once their old sutures are absorbed by the body.
Combining with other nonsurgical methods.
While thread lifts can tighten the skin effectively, they aren't designed to address blemishes on the skin's surface. As such, banishing the superficial signs of aging—like age spots, areas of uneven pigmentation and fine lines—will require a technique known as "skin resurfacing." During skin resurfacing, the top layer of the dermis is removed, stripping away the aforementioned blemishes. A new, more youthful-looking layer of skin then grows in its place.
By combining a number of different nonsurgical anti-aging treatments, patients can achieve a profoundly positive change in their appearance – without enduring the extended recovery time associated with surgery.
For more information contact surgiderma skin and plastic surgery center on 9535377896